Minimal effort, maximum chic.
What with summer and the mid-year holidays, we’re sure you’ve got wedding invitations and the resulting what-do-I-wear dilemma lined up.
If not weddings, then annual dinners or a date with that really, really cute guy from the gym. We’ve already written about what to wear to a wedding here, so let’s talk hair today.
You’ve seen all those Pinterest and YouTube updos that look impossible for the average fingers, but these are different. We’ve picked out several styles that are easy, simple, fast, and best of all? Look like they were done by a pro.

Take a chunk of your hair (about 1.5-inches thick) above your left ear and twist it towards the back and centre. Gather more hair as you go along. Once you reach the centre of the hair on the nape of your neck, pin it down with a claw or duck boat clip.
Then, do the same for the hair on the right side, meeting the twist on the left side at the centre of the nape of your neck. Once done, you can combine both twists and the remaining hair with a rubber or elastic band. Leave the twists in an elegant ponytail or twist the ponytail and coil it around itself for a bun. Ta-dah! Grecian goddess.
If you don’t like the cinnamon bun look, then continue twisting both sides of your hair until it coils and “folds” on itself, then randomly arrange it to be pinned down near the nape of your neck. This look is slightly edgier with a tinge of boho chic.


Separate the top half of your hair (above your ears) and twist it before pinning it down with bobby pints. Try tucking your pins behind your hair to hide them. Then, grab the rest of your hair and roll them upwards, wrapping them around 2 fingers. Pin the rolled up hair down.

If you’re not comfortable with the rolling method, you can grab random strips of hair to lightly twist and pin down. Otherwise, just go for a cinnamon bun (described above) or even leave the style as a half-up-half-down look!

Don’t be afraid of this one just cause the word ‘braid’ is in it! A rope braid is essentially 2 twists!
To get this sleek look, tie a low ponytail towards one side of your head (or at the back, if you like). Then, split the ponytail into 2 sections and twist both sections in the same direction. Cross one section over the other in the opposite direction of the twists (e.g. if your twists are clockwise, cross the sections counter clockwise over each other). Once you’ve reached the ends, secure the braid with a rubber or elastic band, then coil the pony tail into a bun.
The final look is an updo with intricate details that’ll only take you 5 minutes! You can leave your fringe out to frame your face, or pin it back with a nice hair clip.
Take a small section (about 1-inch-thick) on one side of your part and split it into 2 vertical sections. Then, twist and bring the bottom section over the top one and hold those sections in one hand. With your free hand, add a small section of hair to each section before twisting it in the same direction again. Continue twisting and adding hair towards the centre back of your head, with a sloping twist.
Repeat on the other side of your hair until both twists meet in the in the centre. Finally, gather all your hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic or rubber band. You can then gently pull on the tops of the twists to expand and make them stand out more.
Tie 3 low ponytails of equal sizes. Then, twist the middle section once or twice before pinning it down. Repeat this step for the left section, twisting it inwards (clockwise). Lastly, twist, the right section inwards (counter clockwise) and place it over the left section, crossing over both the middle and left section. Pin it down and you’re done!

Popularised by celebrities like Charlize Theron and the character Rey from Star Wars, triple buns are trendy and luckily for us, too easy to do.
Separate your hair into 3 ponytails of equal sizes, then twist and coil them around themselves to create cinnamon buns before pinning them down. The messier you are, the better! This updo looks better when it’s loose.
The great thing about this style is that you can arrange the 3 buns however you like – vertically, horizontally, or even in a “pyramid”.

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Minimal effort, maximum chic.