How to care for your freshly coloured hair

How to Care for Your Freshly Coloured Hair

Harmini Asokumar by Harmini Asokumar on Jan 1, 2016
Why you should care

Looking to get your locks coloured but not sure how to maintain them after? We got you.

Rainbow hair has become a fashion norm and we can’t help but absolutely love it! But what comes after happy ever after colour?

Dyed hair can easily be damaged, even more so if it’s bleached. Save your gorgeous locks from frizz, split ends, and breakage by following some of these tips and tricks!

Take A Break (from Shampoo)

We know this sounds pretty icky, but trust us, its for your own good. All shampoos contain chemicals that react with your coloured hair, thus washing the colour out. When your hair is freshly dyed, stay away from shampoo for at least 24 hours to let your hair absorb the colour. To be safe, 48 hours is best! If it starts feeling and looking greasy, pull it back with a cute headband or hair clip to compliment your new colour!

Conditioner Is Your Saviour

conditioner is your saviorUnlike shampoo, conditioner is now your new best friend. Use it and don’t be stingy as you want your hair to get as much of the moisturising goodness as possible. Not only does it help strenghten and prevent split ends, it keeps your hair shiny and soft too. Concentrate on your hair ends as they tend to dry out faster. Post shower, use a leave-in conditioner for extra hydration boost!

Natural Olive Oil Goodness

oil drippingNatural products are great because there are no added preservatives or chemicals that might cause damage. Olive oil works miracles in the hydration department, preventing split ends. Split ends are major bad news as they need to be trimmed off before they spread higher up your hair, which is when you’d need to cut a good chunk of length off…cry. To prevent this, apply some olive oil into your hair, massage it, then leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water.

Don’t Apply Heat

Adding heat to your delicate coloured hair just makes it worse! Give your hair a break from the hair straighteners, curlers, and blowdryers or at least use them less frequently. Heat only takes away hair moisture which causes it to break.

Brush It Off

When your hair has been bleached (especially after multiple times), it loses elasticity and becomes more limp. Invest in a proper bristled brush that will be gentle to avoid comb damage. The basic rules for this is to brush your hair to keep it shiny and smooth, but not to brush too hard to cause breakage. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t ever brush your hair when it’s wet as it tangles and might break.

Why you should care

Looking to get your locks coloured but not sure how to maintain them after? We got you.

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