Adopt These Habits for Better Skin in 2017

Adopt These Habits for Better Skin in 2017

by Lydia Lohshini on Jan 9, 2017
Why you should care

What better time to take up new habits than the New Year?

Don’t let life get in the way of your skincare resolutions this new year. Changing your skincare regime or habits to include these tips can mean glowy and healthy skin in 2017!

Here are 5 habits you should adopt into your skincare routine as part of your New Year’s resolution.

1 Wash It Away

cleansing skin


It’s no news that going to bed with makeup on can cause, bacterial build-up, clogged pores, and even acne. So it’s crucial to always wash your face before you hit the bed. But did you also know that over-washing your face can be just as destructive?

Washing your face too much can leave you skin sore, riddled with micro cuts, and stripped of the essential oils that your face needs. It’s best to wash your face first thing in the morning, before you go to bed, and only when necessary during the day.

2 Sleeping Beauty

getting beauty sleep


Every girl needs her beauty sleep, it’s the best gift you can give yourself. While you sleep, your skin restores and repairs itself. Thus the longer you sleep, the more your skin rejuvenates.

Sleep deprivation can be bad for your skin, and continuous lack of sleep can eventually cause chronic skin conditions. So it is true what people say about the importance of beauty sleep!

3 Soak Up the Sunscreen

sunscreen for healthy skin


We’ve mentioned this countless times so if you haven’t already adopted this into your routine then now is the time to do it. Sun exposure causes premature aging and skin cancer. Regular use of SPF has been proven to prevent these.

4 Dermatologist Visit

skin health check


You may think it unnecessary to visit the dermatologist unless your skin is problematic but it’s important to have an expert evaluate your skin every once in awhile. Dermatologists can determine your skin type and condition, allowing you to better care for you skin.

5 Watch What You Eat

cleaning up meals


If you want healthy skin, your best bet would be to watch what you eat. Consuming caffeinated products, sugary foods, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes can affect your skin. We know it’s difficult to cut them out of your diet but eating healthier meals and reducing your consumption of these foods can help you clear your skin.

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Why you should care

What better time to take up new habits than the New Year?

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