7 Full Body Workouts You Can Do in Your Hotel Room

7 Full Body Workouts You Can Do in Your Hotel Room

Charmaine Kon by Charmaine Kon on Nov 21, 2016
Why you should care

You don’t have to skip exercising just cause you’re travelling.

There’s no reason to slack on your workouts just cause you’re traveling – unless, of course, you intend to. There are so many movements you can do in a hotel room!

Here are some floor, bed, and chair exercises that you can do even in a small room. No equipment needed.

Floor Exercises

1 High Knees

We love this simple workout that’s basically an elevated version of jogging in place. It gets your heart rate up and all you’ll need is standing space!

high knee workout

SOURCE: popsugar.com


  1. Jog in place and bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle or higher.
  2. Keep your hands down and tap your knees as you bring them up, or swing them like you’re sprinting.


  • Works your thighs, butt, calves, shins, and hips.
  • Good cardio; burns calories.
  • Develops strength and endurance.
2 Mountain Climber

Speaking of jogging in place, this workout does just that, only in a plank position.

mountain climber workout

SOURCE: womenshealthmag.com


  1. Get into the plank position by propping yourself up with your forearms, palms, and balls of your feet. Make sure that your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet.
  2. Bring your right knee forward to meet your right arm (no tapping required).
  3. Switch legs by bringing your right leg back and your left knee forward.
  4. Repeat, mimicking a running in place motion.


  • Works your core, shoulder, arms, legs, and hips.
  • Good cardio; burns calories.
  • Develops strength and flexibility.
3 Burpee

Burpees combine a few movements to make it a powerful workout that will probably kill you (in a good way) before it bores you.

burpee workout

SOURCE: watchfit.com


We’ll let this pro show you:


  • Works your core, shoulder, triceps, chest, calves, and thighs.
  • High intensity cardio; burns calories faster.
  • Develops strength and endurance.
4 Squat Jump

Squats are a great workout that engages many muscles. Combining it with a jump gives you extra cardio boost.


Squat jump workout

SOURCE: magazine.nasm.org


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Squat by lowering your butt while keeping your chest up and out, and your back straight. Keep your knees in the same vertical line as your toes and your thighs parallel to the floor.
  3. Jump out of the squat position. Raise your hands to increase difficulty.


  • Works your calves, legs, core, and back.
  • High intensity cardio; burns calories faster.
  • Develops strength, mobility, and balance.


1 Split Jack Crunch

This modified crunch works out more than just your abs.

Split v crunch

SOURCE: cosmopolitan.com


  1. Lie on your back with outstretched arms and legs. Squeeze your core and lift your arms and legs so that you form a bow shape with your body.
  2. As you lift your legs to form a V-shape, swing your back and hands forward, folding your arms between the V-formation.
  3. Return to the bow position by slowly lowering yourself. Your arms, legs, and head should not touch the bed.


  • Works your upper and lower abs, chest, and legs.
2 Dolphin Plank

How do you improve on an ab-tastic workout like the plank? You add a dolphin to it.

Dolphin plank pose

SOURCE: casondrabrewster.com


  1. Get into plank position by propping yourself up with your forearms, palms, and balls of your feet. Make sure that your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet.
  2. Lift your hips, squeeze your core, and pause.
  3. Return to plank position and repeat.


  • Works your arms, core, legs, chest, and lower back.
  • Stretches your shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and feet.
  • Develops strength.


1 Chair Running

Workout while sitting down; all you need is a chair or a bed edge.

Chair running workout

SOURCE: shape.com


  1. Sit on a chair or bed edge with your legs extended and elbows tucked to the side like you’re about to run.
  2. Stretch one leg out with pointed toes as you tuck the other knee into your chest. Keep your core squeezed and your back against the chair.
  3. Turn your shoulder towards the tucked knee, mimicking running. Alternate legs and arms.


  • Works your arms, core, and legs
  • Good cardio; burns calories.
Why you should care

You don’t have to skip exercising just cause you’re travelling.

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