Nail art every mermaid needs!

Nail Art Every Mermaid Needs

Harmini Asokumar by Harmini Asokumar on Jan 3, 2016
Why you should care

Time to make those mermaid dreams come true with these mermaid-inspired nail art!

Let’s set this straight. We all secretly want to be mermaids.

Now that we’ve cleared that…

To curb this inexplicable desire, nail enthusiasts have come up with mermaid-inspired talons! Glitter, sequins, tropical vibes, and all; we’ve compiled nail art ideas that might just bring us one step closer. Even if you’re not the mermaid type, these creative, shiny nails are sure to dazzle.

1 Sequined Nails

sequin nail


Glam up with glitter and add little embellishments to give it that mermaid-y appeal! We love this colourful rainbow glitter sequins. The good news? it’s not hard to do. Simply visit your local stationery store, grab a packet of fine sequins or beads, and you’ve got your main ingredient. After painting a base colour (we recommend nude or a colour that matches the glitter), pick the sequins or beads up by pressing your finger tips into them, then lightly press to transfer them onto your nails.

2 Scale Nails

scale nail


What better way to create mermaid inspired nails than to do scale designs? There’re many ways to do this, but the apple bag one is pretty simple. Stretch a an apple bag (those plastic mesh ones) over your nail and tape it in place. Then, paint over that makeshift stencil. We’ll admit that this one takes some practice as the bag tends to slip and slide.

3 Glitter Nails

glitter nail


Very much like the sequin nails, glitter is all the rage! We love how glitter nails help with subtle colour blocking because there’s no need to be neat! Paint a base glitter coat twice before applying a different glitter colour to the top half of your nail. Be purposefully messy with these so that the colours come together in a mock ombre effect.

4 Irisdecent Nails
nail iridescent


Iridescent colours change according to movement and light. It’s a great way to get many tones without the fuss of painting different layers in different colours. For that mermaid feel, get polishes in blue, green, gold, and even pearl tones.

Why you should care

Time to make those mermaid dreams come true with these mermaid-inspired nail art!

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