Smudge- and party-proof eyeliner, lipstick, eyeshadow, and more.
Smudge- and party-proof eyeliner, lipstick, eyeshadow, and more.
Headed for a week-long vacation? Try out these easy hair looks for good hair all day, every day!
Our favourite collections from Malaysia Fashion Week.
Did one Zombie Bride do better than the other? You decide.
If we had a dime for every time we’ve heard a girl wonder where she can buy evening wear for cheap, we’d be rich.
Who says you can’t wear pink eye makeup? Show your support for breast cancer awareness with pink ribbons and eye makeup!
Tandoori chicken over chicken korma and other healthier options you can indulge in at family reunion dinners.
We discuss all your burning questions, even if they are bloody (annoying).
We show you how the heck to wear fall fashion when it's 30 degrees out.
The time to get serious with your skincare routine is in your 20s.